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Monday, July 29, 2013

whats wrong with men?

Hello everyone. Hope you are still enjoying the sunny sommer. But ist really hot now. But i dont complain anyway..I think its much better now Think about those -20 degree winterdays, brr..
Yes , Still haven't teken the camera that was on my post box, I dont know if somebody gave me a gift or whatever , but I will see.

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I really dont know what is wrong with guys. There 's a guy  I met.. I met him first time when we went on date , and when I saw him I , I said, wow that s a guy. He is  very handsome, with gourgeus lips. I said i like him very much, but I will take it easy , I dont accept a person in my life before I know him very well and  take some controll check know meeting a person on the net, you can easily be hurt , If you do not get desiese...   . He is very handsome, and I really like him. I wish he could know it . But I think he play so much game .  i dont like that What does he really want?You can see that he text me and ask me a question like ,''are you there', and when I answer yes...then he become quiet with no more to I ask my self why did he want to know If I am available?
One day I was in the conferance ,in church , he texted me, are you available ? and because I was not able to answer , I had to do it after the conferance,When I answered , he did not respond. i felt guilty , and  I apologised, and told hom I were not able to answer ..he did not answer. I did not hear from him, not before after three days. I havent gone too far with him yet, and its not too late to turn back, but, I wish he is the one.
Does anyone know what I can do about it? I will continue with this follow me tomorrow

Sunday, July 28, 2013

I love My hp book

I Hope all is well well with you, and enjoying reading my post right now.
Well, Just enjoying my new hp book, that I bought used on, I am  very satisfied with how fast  it is, Love it. I feel so in love with it .

 These days, I have sleeping problems .I sleep very late. May be its  because i use most of my time surfing and writing.  You can imagine, today when I am sitting writting here, it is 2:08 am, and I am really tired, but I dont feel to be in bed.

Today  got an issue

, someone put camera on my post boks Lol, I really wonder if i can take it or not, I just think its strange. I went to open my post boks and I saw a samsung camera in it
Can it be somebody put it by mistake? but i didnt take it, I will check tomorrow, to see if its still there.
Yes, jus have nice day, as you are reading, 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

an euphonious is for life, not just xmas!

Hello people  wherever you are. Hope you habe had a nice weekend, you know , an euphonious is for life, not just xmas,

 Here in Norway its just nice wheather, Sun shine all over, and all the things make life easier in some how, except of the idiots who their mission is to destroy the others people life ..shame on them!!

yeah, it seem mean writitng like this,  You know Sometimes I wonder, why I am like this these days? I feel like I am a person who really don't care..sometimes I really feel guilty with this behavior, and sometimes I feel its ok ..Is it because I dont expect any one to care about me? yeah may be beacause it has never happened. May be it  has happened ; I dont remember right now when Im writting.

I just think , I can not hide things any more, if being rude isn't good, why other people be?
I just wonder ,how possible can it be for some people to put someones else life in hell, and keep on smiling. And they are on the front line when it comes to judging others.

People say just have fun, because we live now.. Just do nything  to make yourself happy, as long as you have fun, and it does not matter, when others are hurt ,seems to be the philosophy these days. But for me this is a not.  I can not feel good when I exempel  have  stolen  a man from someone else, and I see that she is hurt .I can not show another  guy I date now to my ex, or flirt with another man while he's watching. Unless he was an asshol-- It makes difficult for me even to  date a man that has dumped  my best  friend even if I get a chance to do it ... (this is my philosophy.) 

Yes I just enjoyed the day ,been in the church,and the preaching  of  today was have  to love each other, because that is what God want. , After all I have experienced I think God is still right.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ensomheten er ikke bare ett ord

Godag:), Håper alle har hatt en knall uke. har ikke blogget for en stund nå, men nå er jeg tilbake. Først vil jeg vise noe som jeg synes er interessant.

Denn får du kjøptt på
jeg elsket denne  skjorten.
Alt er bra med meg, bosett for ensomheten som har rammet meg nå.
story kommer , men alt i alt , ha en fin dag:)

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